Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Freebie-izm and the Reality of Monetizing a Thriving Metaverse
The reality is that it takes real money to pay programmers, bills for co-locations, marketing and promotion to make our Metaverse a reality. If we are not part of the monetization of that, then the focus once again will stray from the us and the community to investors & advertisers, so in my eyes, paying in is like voting. It gives us a voice - a real say in how things are done and how our favorite grids grow.
Having said this, there are many other very good reasons SpotON3D, in particular, has its $2.99/month fee. It helps address security, permission and stablity issues that have long plagued the Metaverse. When we created SpotON3D we took a look at the historical top five problems people expressed about their virtual world experiences, besides the usual learning curve complaints and tried to remedy them as reasonably as possible.
1. Lag & Instability
2. Griefing, Money Laundering & Fraudulent CC Charges
3. Kids in inappropriate places
4. Personal Drama
5. Scams, Disputes & Copybots
As any oldie of to the Metaverse will attest, anytime you open up to unregulated freebie accounts you get a flood of kids, griefers, and other users that don't want their real world ID's attached to their avatars via a traceable payment, along with a lot of great community. Problem is that the first bunch quickly flood the server systems, overtaxing them to the point of negatively affecting everyone's experience, and many grief just for the "lulz." This is exactly what happened in the summer of 2006, when LL changed from paid to freebie for all accounts. Even with $28m in investment funding, LL was unable to handle the massive wave of new users coming at their doors. Many of these free accounts weren't contributing to the bottom line, so revenues could not keep up with the demand for servers and co-location costs. As a result you saw many people fearing Second Life was on the brink of a melt down. In came IBM to the rescue, loading up LL with a ton of blade servers. It is assumed IBM was compensated for their help with company assets and influence and might have ultimately led to the exit of Corey, and eventually Phillip's initial stepping down, due to the shift in ownership as a result.
While large investors like IBM and Mitch Kapor can definitely be important in any company's long term goals, the shift in focus from community to purely profits was a misstep by most people's accounting. Linden Lab grew a staff of individuals who were not even involved with the grid life, and ignored the needs of their core user base -- the paying members -- not something we want to have happen with SpotON3D.
You make the users the investors, keep an open dialogue with them, and ensure that the monetization model is transparent and rational to most reasonable-minded users. This gives us many reasons to keep YOU as our primary focus and concern, be it a role playing group, educator, business owner, or creator. It's simple mathematics. It takes a lot of money to run a grid and while this small $2.99 a month fee certainly doesn't come close to covering all our expenses, it does make a difference.
By tying our Premium Memberships to PayPal payments, we dramatically reduce the risk of griefing, because a verified or confirmed PayPal account is required to upgrade. This means that, if needed, a user can be held accountable for their actions in real-world terms, which cuts out about 95% of the risks of not only griefing, but money laundering and fraudulent credit card charges. If we accepted credit cards for payment, the potential for fraudulent CC charges would have required us to raise our prices by at least 30% to accommodate the additional costs - not something we felt was worth the risk and we hope you agree. SpotON3D doesn't think it's fair to accept the risk and make the user base responsible for the additional costs fraudulent charges raise, but ultimately the only way to avoid those costs is to make sure everyone paying is who they say they are. The fact is that our system does work. We've yet to have a report of griefing or fraud. We think our users agree that $2.99 a month is a small price to pay for the peace of mind it affords them, along with the other benefits below.
This one is near and dear to me AS A MOTHER of a 16-year-old and as an adult who occasionally enjoys grown-up pursuits in virtual environs. Discussions and mature activities that kids would roll their eyes at and groan loudly and basically do everything they could to disrupt if they were around, or role play and sexy dress-up that I'm just not comfortable doing around kids. It's also a fact that KIDS can do things that drive me nutso, like play the same currently popular song ... over ... and over ... and over again! *sigh* Or crash things over and over again, just for fun. Or break sims with their antics. *ugh* Yes, we adults do deserve and need a place online to be adults and not have our whole lives dummied down for our kids. They have gobs more to do online, on console games, and on TV. A virtual environment meant for adults is one of the places we can relax and enjoy the company of other adults.
Now, how do you go about making that happen in a reasonable manner? We could ask invasive questions, like your Social Security or driver's license number, but lets be real. Kids can swipe that info anytime they want on the sly and register/upgrade their account to get into grownup areas. We wanted to be more responsible about this issue by using PayPal again as our gate keeper. The reality is that parents regularly give kids their CC's to run to the store or mall, but most would be loath to give out their PayPal password to their kids, because it is directly linked to their banking info.
When kids DO come on our grid, it is required that they do so using an avatar from an adult's Key Account. We welcome and encourage our users to share and loan out one of their 5 included avatar accounts to family and friends that they trust. We feel a parent or an educational institution's representative should be there to guide minors in their virtual pursuits and we think it also keeps the adults from sometimes behaving like brats with each other. :P
While there will always be drama of a personal nature wherever there are humans, we have seen that people on our grid just behave more civilly around each other when they know they are not completely anonymous. Its amazing the effect our grid has on people, even when they are visiting as a FREE4EVER user. I've seen people, who in SL groups and/or on online forums are bonafide trolls, participate in discussions like human beings again. While we want our users to identify themselves to us, this does not mean we ever share anyone's personal information with other users in any way. We take privacy of our users very seriously. But, if you're very very tired of all the drama you see on other grids, then maybe this is something you'd consider as a positive.
For all the same reasons stated above, our premium memberships limit these risks, too. People feel compelled to keep it real and above-board, while playing, working and socializing. We want to be the promoters of responsible adult interactions and minimize any need to be the investigators of negative activities.
The real point here though is, even with a small army of volunteer mentors and paid employees no grid can effectively handle the griefing that occurs when a freebie state of play is enacted on a grid. SpotON3D made a conscious decision to make the users our primary source of funding, so that when investors do come around, we can earmark that funding for innovative solutions and collaboration with others rather than have it decide who is steering the boat. Yes, as a result of this decision we are growing at a slower rate than others, and that's ok. We're in this for the long haul. This only happens when you have a truly dedicated community, which we most definitely have the beginnings of.
If any of you out there disagree with our vision, we can appreciate that. We don't expect to be everyone's cup of tea, but if you're looking for a technically advanced grid that works hard to ensure your experience is as trouble-free as possible then maybe you'll see the value in that little $2.99 a month ... under $36/yr for access to ALL our public grids. That's less than half of what a year's worth of SL memberships costs. AND REMEMBER - there are other benefits for paid accounts on our grid, such as NO UPLOAD FEES, NO LISTING FEES, AND FREE MICRO-STORES while supplies last and access to our FREE SANDBOXES.
We are also considering opening up a free-4-all sandbox that would not require an upgrade membership so that any Doubting Thomases can give our grid a test. Should be an interesting experiment. Will the civility be maintained, or will the griefers run amok? Time will tell. Stay tuned to this blog to hear more about this experiment.
As always, we welcome your constructive feedback.
Co-Founder & COO of SpotON3D - Tessa Kinney-Johnson
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Come crash our cloud Xmas party with Anek Fuchs!
Just a quick reminder to all of those that like to have their socks rocked off - In true rock'n'roll spirit we'll have a big Xmas party today where we'll try to tear down the venue. How fun is that?
While the brave Anek Fuchs is giving the best of himself of stage, from 2 till 3pm pacific time today, we're going to try to crash the cloud server the performance is on. Come dance, have fun and a good laugh with all of the SpotOn3D® users while we're pushing our cloud driven Web Worlds™ to their limits.
Log into your SpotOn3D® account - or mail Tessa at for a free, fully functional, disposable account. Download the viewer at - or just log into your SpotOn3D® account.
For all info on how, what and why - refer to yesterday's post at
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Crash my Cloud - OpenSim Stress Test
- NO GRIEFING, NUDITY OR INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE - Seeing we're a very diverse and mixed population we will probably have minors as well as adults helping out.
- NO new and/or unapproved/untested scripts. You will be provided with a box of test items. Please only use those so we can accumulate successful testing benchmarking results for the OpenSim Wiki.
- NO PHYSICS until it is time for the physics test
- DO Dance and enjoy the music and just HAVE FUN! *-)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Today: Gridwrap with Chris Collins
It's Thursday, and you know what that means; GridWrap!
Tessa and Dousa will be joined by former Linden Lab staffer Chris Collins, who has created a Unity3d based viewer that is touted to be able to embed virtual worlds like SpotON3D®, OpenSim grids and even Second Life® onto a web page, giving them the ability to reach out to a wider audience via such social communities as Facebook® and more.
Scoot over to Metaverse Island at 3PM to join your hosts Tessa Harrington and Dousa Dragonash for a very promising episode of Gridwrap.- or keep an eye on the Gridwrap website at where today's episode will be available soon, and where you can also browse through all the previous episodes.
Tech Highlight: Cloud-driven services
Welcome to SpotON3D’s Tech Highlight, a series of informative blogs designed to keep you in the loop on the latest technological advances SpotON3D has engineered.
Today, we’ll be covering the SpotON3D Boost Cloud™ service, an exciting new option that enables any region renter ramp up the power on their regions to support 50 or even 100 users. And after we upgrade our servers to the 0.7.1 server side version of OpenSim we should see additional concurrency levels possible, with expectations of up to 200 users. These advances promise to reach a much larger audience that has asked for higher levels of service and a more stable experience. So, let’s break it down.
Every region in one of our Web Worlds™ has the option to turn on the Boost Cloud™ service for a self-determined time period. it’s available on demand for just $2.99/hr for up to 50 people and $4.99/hr for up to 100. This takes your region off the shared Lite Use grid server, and places it on its own secure dedicated cloud virtual server. This means your region is suddenly hosted by a ton more muscle, enough to host 50 or more users simultaneously for a lag free experience. Wanna pipe in some music? No problem. It comes Shoutcast® capable. Want to lock it down to a select group of people? You’ve to that too, and not just from a region security level. But at the front door of the cloud server too. And with your region being hosted on a ocean of other virtual cloud servers on the huge Amazon® Cloud Network you’re about as incognito as you can get – everything you’d need to throw a great party, event, class or training webinar and you didn’t have to pay $300 bucks a month to get it. You say a few hours isn’t enough? Need a Boost Cloud instance for a 24-72 hour event? We’ve got bulk rates for such heavy hitting needs. Just email us at or give us a call us at 330-776-8663 to get a quote.
Next up on SpotON3D’s Tech Highlight: HotSwap Scenes™ - How these same Boost Cloud™ servers get jacked up with unique whole region builds at the touch of your mouse – without loosing your own region’s setup!
Interested in getting your own regions up and running in one of our Web Worlds™? Then don't forget about SpotOn3D's land rush action. Check out for all information, or contact us today to find out all about it!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Press release: Purdue University announces collaborative partnership with SpotOn3D®
The Virtual Collaboration Laboratory within the Purdue University Department of Organizational Leadership and Supervision (College of Technology) announces the beginning of a collaborative partnership with SpotOn3D® (SO) - a software firm whose main objective is to bridge the gap between the 2D web, real world technology and the 3D Web.
Purdue researchers, including Scott Homan Ph.D., Michael Beyerlein Ph.D., and Amy Caryn Warneka (CEO of IPaSS Consulting and Purdue doctoral student), will work with SpotON3D’s Co-Founders, CEO Stevan Lieberman, also of Greenburg & Lieberman - a Patent, Trademark, and Intellectual Property attorney out of Washington, DC and COO/Art Director Tessa Kinney-Johnson to establish an online virtual reality research laboratory using the SpotON3D virtual worlds platform.
Powersynch, LLC, the parent company for SpotON3D® began development of their grid systems in November of 2008. With the help of a team of dedicated programmers, web developers, modelers and grid experts, they have succeeded in creating an exciting new experience that includes answers to many of the complex problems seen with their contemporaries. With a ten year vision for the development of the 3D Web, SpotON3D’s secure and business centric focus caters to an augmented reality experience that embraces existing 2D web assets and real world meeting functionality, attracting a diverse pool of users from the business, academic, technology, and artisan communities alike online. Short term goals are to provide a stable beta grid platform for early adopter businesses and organizations to use, either as a member of the SpotON3D multi-grid micro-community through the adoption of Private Label Grids. The long term goals are to create the infrastructure to enable these professional grade grids to interconnect via the SpotON3D client and the rest of the Metaverse grids and platforms with a blend of open source and proprietary software. Research and business support activities at Purdue will specialize in Virtual Collaboration and the use of virtual simulations in educational, training and business applications.
- Scott Homan, 440 Young Hall Purdue University West Lafayette, In 47906 765-430-6193
- Tessa Kinney-Johnson (Tessa Harrington in Virtual):2141 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Suite C-2 Washington, DC 20007 USA 330-776-8663
Monday, November 8, 2010
Announcing Spot On!-magazine
The first issue of Spot On!-magazine is scheduled for release end of November. The magazine will be distributed for free, and will be readable online and downloadable in the common e-book formats.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Educators - Why choose SpotON3D®?

Tech Highlight: Key Account
Every now and then, we use this blog to give a little more information about some of the tech features of SponOn3D®, and today we'd like to cover our Key Account system for SpotON3D.
The most important thing to remember is that logging into your Key Account is a separate action and not the same as logging into your avatar. Key Account is one level above your avatars, and could actually be considered an "avatar administrator" that you tap into through the SpotON3D main homepage, or through your HOME GRID web site, such as or This gives you access to all 5 of the avatars for a regular account, adding money to your main Key Account wallet, distributing funds from there to any of your 5 avatars, and setting access permissions for each individual avatar. This means you can ‘loan out’ or share one or more of your avatars with others, like family, students, and clients. Just make sure you can trust them to do so.
Why is this so important? The Key Account also allows you to define which types of content each avatar can access. For example; if you're a parent, you can use this system to make avatars for your kids. It's important to note that it's against the SpotON3D TOS for a minor child to create their own Key Account to access our Web Worlds. Only a legal guardian and/or parent you can make avatars for minors through their own Key Accounts. This is so, as the adult, you can feel good about having your kids on our General Population Web World’s without dummying down your experiences as an adult.
Business and Educational institutions are able to have the level of control over their employees and student accounts through their HR and/or IT departments, as is typically needed. This enables them to bypass the usual registration process, ensuring they have a smooth and effortless entry into these Web World environments. It also makes it possible for these user accounts to be tied into their other administrative systems needed to maintain accounts control and reporting as needed. The added benefit of this is that t businesses and educational administrators will never have to worry about their employees or students stumbling into mature rated game play activities or social arenas unknowingly. By keeping accounts configured to General Population, the users of these accounts can’t access mature areas, nor see mature content for purchase on the SpotONSynergy site and not buy any mature content.
And lastly, the other great advantage of this system is the cost factor. Instead of paying a premium membership fee per avatar, you’re paying just $2.99/month per Key Account to allow allowing them to explore the full potential of our Web Worlds™ - yes, that's plural. Each avatar created at SpotOn3D® is able (depending on the access settings for that particular avatar) to access all of our publicly accessible Web Worlds™ in our network - just type in the name of that Web World, or a region inside it. Additionally, our 3D Web Browser has the capacity to teleport from the SpotON3D Web World system to other outside compatible Web Worlds through our 3D Map Teleportal System.
Still have questions? Don't hesitate to drop us an email at; our team is happy to answer all of your requests promptly and effectively.
Don't forget; SpotOn3D's special land rush action is still going strong! Check out for our special lifelong discounts!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Press release: Snowcrash Digital joins SpotOn3D®
for immediate release
Snowcrash Digital joins SpotOn3D®
Snowcrash Digital is a gold certified Second Life® solution provider, most known as the developers of Second Life's leading audio solution "Hermes Audio Technology" and the "Hermes Engage" range of educational tools. Since 2006 Snowcrash Digital has developed specialized scripted solutions and "enabling tools", often merging the 2D-web and 3D environments.
"We believe that due to the current evolution of the market, there will be a growing demand for cross-platform tools. Many of our customers already spread their activities over several virtual worlds, and we think that by offering them their trusted tools in these other environments as well we offer them a valuable service.", marketing director Philippe Pascal states. He adds, "We've been evaluating several OpenSim worlds, often being invited by the people behind them. A key-factor for us in deciding which we'll join is the protection of intellectual property, both ours and our customers - for which SpotOn3D® had a very strong case."
“Virtual worlds are evolving and constantly stretching the bounds of what technology can do, and OpenSim based worlds are at the forefront of that. In our opinion SpotOn3D® have the right approach and are backed by a solid infrastructure, making it a great base to spread out of Second Life® and to take advantage of the innovations that OpenSim brings. We’re excited to be part of that revolution, and to enable others to join it too.”, adds Jim Evans, Snowcrash Digital’s technical director.
More news on the services and products of Snowcrash Digital that will be offered in SpotOn3D® will be announced soon. Keep an eye on Snowcrash Digital's blog at and on this SpotOn3D® blog for all the latest news and updates.
# # #
For more information about this press release or about Snowcrash Digital, please feel free to contact Snowcrash Digital's marketing director Philippe Pascal at
For more information about SpotOn3D, please feel free to contact Tessa Harrington at
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Area 54 Halloween Concert - October 30th
Mark your calendars! October 30th at 1PM SLT the one and only Anek Fuchs will be rocking your socks off at Area 54! Join us for this wonderful event by this great performer. Log in to VeeSome ( and use the map function to search for 'Club 54' and teleport there - you'll be able to find the Concert Hall when there (use the teleport nexus). If you need any help, ask most anyone around - they'll know where to send you!
Today at 3PM: The GridWrap show on MetaverseTV
How about a full update on the movers and shakers in virtual reality? Come over at 3PM to Metaverse Island in Second Life® ( to join your hosts Tessa Harrington (Tessa Kinney-Johnson in real world, 15+ year veteran of the 3D Web) and Dousa Dragonash for another interesting episode of GridWrap.
Not able to get there today? How about enjoying last Monday's show? Tessa and Dousa had a very interesting conversation with Jim Evans and Philippe Pascal of Snowcrash Digital. Find it online at
GridWrap is brought to you by SpotOn3D® and MetaverseTV. Missed an episode? No worries, visit our online archive at to watch any of our previous episodes.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
OpenSim IBMer, Sagar Chandola, takes notice of SpotOn3D® and extends invitation
Yesteryday's Rockcliffe University Presentation
Yesterday, October 20th 2010, Tessa Harrington of SpotOn3D® gave a presentation about the new and exciting SpotOn3D® Web Worlds™ at the Rockcliffe University in Second Life. Tessa started off by talking about the potential implications of Philip Rosedale leaving Linden Lab again - one of the recent evolutions worrying many Second Life content creators and educators.
Tessa Harrington in virtual, Tessa Kinney-Johnson in real world (15+ year veteran of the 3D Web, as she calls it), described the current situation as "Noah's Ark Time", stating, "It's time to get serious about backing up your content and being prepared to migrate when necessary." adding, " I think between the two investors cashing out this year, the layoffs, the announcement about the TeenGrid and then the declaration of an end to educational discounts makes it clear Linden Lab is in distress." Tessa informed and encouraged the audience of educators to start preparing and backing up, educating them on the many IP legal ways they could back up their team and individual builds and still comply with Linden Lab's 3rd party viewer rules.
No need to panic if you missed yesterday's presentation - Tessa will be giving more presentations about the SpotOn3D® Web Worlds™. If you would be interested in having Tessa come present the possibilities for your community/business, please feel free to leave us a message at
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
GridWrap with Marc Montague
GridWrap hosts Tessa Harrington and Dousa Dragonash had a most interesting talk in yesterday's GridWrap show where Marc Montague of Pixel Lighthouse Consulting was the central guest. Theme of the episode was virtual businesses.
Some of the highlights in the conversation were his view on why even a virtual business needs a business plan, how virtual business can cross over to the real world and the other way around. Along with other points, this made this GridWrap episode a very interesting one for all virtual and real entrepreneurs. Take a drink, get out your headset, sit back and enjoy:
For all info on the GridWrap show, visit . GridWrap was brought to you by MetaverseTV and SpotOn3D.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Growth figures - We're growing fast!
The SpotOn3D team is happy to share with you the latest figures on our grid users. It's been an exciting month since the grid first launched, and we're even more excited about having been able to welcome so many people to our new web worlds.
In the last 30 days we had a 15% growth in total registered users, bringing the total to about 1300 registered users. Maybe even more important is our conversions of FREE4EVER accounts to our $2.99 a month Premium Memberships have also went up with 15%, making the total percentage of paid members a whopping 50% of our user base – a remarkable response for such a new grid with very different platform structure using the OpenSim community.
Please note that the figures mentioned above are a reflection of our registered Key Accounts that can hold up to 5 avatars under them. Therefore, our total number of avatars wandering around on our grids varies between 1292 and 6460 avatars.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Gridwrap with SRH Magic & Nissa Rewell of the Pandorian Hub Grid
- To unite and promote traffic to the many exciting Avatar themed sims that are dedicated to structured role play.
- Create a Pandorian role playing training program to help decrease the rate of attrition and provide educated role players for the role playing sim owners, thereby increasing their numbers of devoted role players.
- Illustrate the laws of Marketing and Economics through their Pandorian Hub and V-Retailing center.
- Help give creators of Pandorian playwear an additional merchandising point.
- To promote ‘serious play’ as a tool for serious learning and training and help institute new online training standards and protocols for education online.
Press Release: Announcing Edu-Merge

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tools.Jam visits SpotOn3D - the movie
At 3PM PDT yesterday, the kind people from Tools.Jam came over to SpotOn3D to do a field trip, exploring our web worlds. We were all very excited about it, and it has also been a very encouraging experience for all of us at SpotOn3D, seeing our systems remain stable and reliable all through the field trip.
Shamblesguru aka Chris Smith was so kind to make a video of the field trip; Tessa was the host on duty and took people from the central landing point over to the Pathfinders village, afterwards crossing the sim border and walking to the learning path - where also the bug zapper can be found. The video stops at the teleport to the could system demonstration. Thank you very much for the fine video Chris!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tools.Jam visits SpotOn3D – Come join us!
SpotOn3D is happy to welcome the explorers from Tools.Jam, who will be joining us today at our grid for a demonstration of the possibilities offered by the unique features SpotOn3D offers. Tessa and Denvor will be demonstrating the key features like the unique key-account system allowing people to manage several avatars through one central account with shared balance and inventory, the grid-to-grid teleporting among other groundbreaking realizations of the SpotOn3D team including the smart region server system. There’s even a demonstration of the web browser integrated web world viewer on the schedule!
The full schedule for this presentation is:
SpotON3D HUB GRID (Beta) :: 10 minutes
This is our general landing point for people to enter our network of 3DWeb Worlds, when they are not sure what grid they wish to be born into and explore. This info portal educates them on the selling systems, communities and other 3D Web Worlds available to them as well as access to the Learning Paths™ ten step orientation. The landing point here is called ETA.
VeeSome (Beta) :: 10 minutes
This is SpotON3D’s first launch of its Private Label Grid technology in the form of a hugely successful launch of the VeeSome recreational grid Friday, September 3rd, 2010.
Biz-Grid (Alpha) :: 20 minutes
Biz-Grid is designed to allow for turn-key small to large meetings, webinars, conferences and training through our SpotON3D Private Label Grid system. With its ‘NO-TOUCH INVO/EDIT’ Presentation tools, EZPrezTools™ , one can upload a PPT natively, show videos, pictures and even a snapshot of your desktop with the ease of uploading an image to FlickR.
Q&A :: 10 minutes
This is your chance to poke a hole in our vision for the 3D Web. It’s ok! Take us to task! We like the challenge and enjoy a good debate!
Please feel free to come over and join us, everyone’s welcome to do so. The touring of the SpotOn3D web worlds starts at 9:30am PDT when we will all come together at the ETA landing point. If you already have an account at SpotOn3D, just log in and teleport over. If you haven’t please make yourself a free account at
If you’re not able to make it today, don’t worry; more demonstrations will be announced soon. Just keep an eye on our blog and twitter (
Also note that the VeeSome landrush action is still going on! Get your region today, 5k or 15k prims, with a special low monthly fee for as long as you own the region and no set up fee. Find out all about it at