Happy Monday all! At SpotON3D® we're all amazed at last week’s traffic and activity. Thank you all who came to visit! We’re really looking forward to the new and exciting things coming your way, what with all the new content creators and residents. People have repeatedly commented on the lack of lag, great customer service, and solid performance and that’s music to our ears, since that’s been our primary focus the last 24 months. And as many of you know, much of the awareness of SpotON3D is due to the generosity of the Phoenix viewer folks and the announcement of our partnership. Words cannot express our gratitude for their willingness to throw in the hat with us and lead the way into the future of the Metaverse.
Now for a bit of news and numbers! We’ve had over 100 new users a day steadily for the last week, and with the release of the new Phoenix/SpotON3D logo coming out today *crosses fingers* we expect that trend to continue for a good bit longer. All weekend Mr. Victor was kept very busy helping residents set up their land rentals, and in between time taking the opportunity to automate the process a bit more for ya’ll. Our extended Land Rush certainly has gotten everyone’s attention too, with prices starting at $9.99 – 18.99 for double prim parcels and 24.99/3750 prims 39.99/5k prims and $59.99/15K prim islands going fast! These are introductory prices that will not go up when our regular prices kick in, so be sure and stake your claim. OH! And those prices also reflect your Premium Membership, so that is your total cost. You can learn more here http://land.veesome.com, or come in and take a gander at our sign at SpotON3D Grid region hub. Don't hesitate too long though! With over a 100 new users each day, these regions are flying off the shelf.
We're also pleased to welcome new content creators coming into our Web Worlds™. One of note is Jennifer Brennon of Luna Animations, who is not only furiously working to bring in her content, but will be collaborating with SpotON3D to develop specialized-for-fee and for-free poses for the business and educational users. Contact us at 3demote@spoton3d to give us your ideas and suggestions for animations, educators! We're looking forwards to hearing from you.
Also in our MusicaJam™ project there was some good stuff going on with our big ManKind/Craig Lyons double header – FIRST TIME EVER THESE GUYS PERFORMED BACK 2 BACK! And wow! What an event it was! Thank you guys! And thanks to all those brave explorers of the Metaverse for joining in on our fun.
We hope you enjoyed them just as much as we did hosting them. A great time by everyone - about 40 of our users. Not bad for a new grid! The new performance stage Sunny Salamander made for us features free instruments of all kinds, mics and animations. Everything a musician would need to give a top-rate performance, right between our two freebie stores, and with over 100 users passing through that means some great face time for those burgeoning artists hoping to get a great following. So if you come by, grab a free guitar and serenade the audience! The stage is yours! Just let one of our Moderators or Admins plug in your stream and we’ll help steer traffic to you – even set you up with a tip jar!
We're really looking forward to seeing new and emerging artist come to the forefront. We know things have gotten a bit harder this last year. MusicaJam is here to help YOU find YOUR audience again and build a loyal following that you can really grow with. AND BIG BIG THANKS to Mankind Tracer, Craig Lyons again! And Kalli Birman, our new PR person extraordinaire for getting the word out and driving traffic to SpotON3D, even before the Phoenix announcement and helping us make this such a success! Can’t wait to do it again!