We always list our times in MVT, or Metaverse time. This is always the current time in the United States in the Pacific time zone, which is now Pacific Daylight Time. You can use the converter at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html to convert this to your local zone. For your convenience, here are the anticipated windows for the down time, converted to some common local time zones (assuming a 3 hour window).
September 30, 2012
12am - 12:30am
1am - 1:30am
2am - 2:30am
3am - 3:30am
8am - 8:30am
9am - 9:30am
10am - 10:30am
5pm - 5:30pm
Pacific Time:
Mountain Time:
Central Time:
Eastern Time:
Greenwich Mean Time:
Central European Time:
Eastern European Time:
Eastern Daylight Time (Australia):
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