Last year, Sophie had rented a parcel of land in SpotON3D and had set up her shop there. Unfortunately, she was forced to relinquish the land due to economic conditions. When she stopped back in recently to visit, she discovered something that we evidently had neglected to emphasize the first time: Presently, anyone who becomes a Premium member at SpotON3D is GIVEN (that is, receives for FREE) a store in one of our Creator Island malls. This has been in effect for a while now, and we expect to continue offering free shops for Premium members into the immediate future.
Sophie already has 43 different selections set up in her store, along with a pair of shoes that is freely available for everyone. And she's still working on more!
Sophie started out in Second Life™ in 2007 and began making shoes there, which she continued doing for two years. She has now established a presence in several other online worlds. On Island Oasis™, you will find her under the name F4 Forzane, running a shop there called TIPTOE Designs.
Sophie lives in New Zealand, and says that she has "plenty of quiet time to create." She truly enjoys creating her line of heels, and is happy that people like them. Money is not her primary motivation, but naturally it helps out. She also tells me that she would "never say no to friendships in any grid, as some people are lovely." In spite of this, she is not a big socializer. "I rarely go clubbing, I am always thinking of what i could be making. (lol)"
In addition to her shoes, Sophie also has some dresses listed for sale on SpotONSynergy, and she says that she is thinking about creating some accessories in the future. She also plans on introducing a line of men's shoes soon.
Visit Sophie's store in SpotON3D at Island PG/115/59/29. You can also check out her marketplace listings by going to
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